The Mach7 eUnity Enterprise Viewer

Unifying all your Images with the Speed, Performance, Interoperability and Flexibility needed to Enable Exceptional Patient Care

The Mach7 eUnity Enterprise Diagnostic Viewer offers a visualization experience for every healthcare professional across your enterprise.

Radiologist doing primary interpretation on medical imaging studies.

The Challenge

Healthcare has undergone a fundamental shift over the past decade. Healthcare professionals need an accurate and comprehensive view of a patient’s medical history to develop the most well-informed patient care plan possible. This includes having access to all the relevant medical imaging in a patient’s record. However, most healthcare organizations are still structured such that individual departments have their own dedicated imaging and data storage systems. These are not typically integrated and thus do not provide a consolidated and holistic view of a patient’s medical imaging history.

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The Solution

Mach7’s eUnity Enterprise Diagnostic Viewer meets the needs of a modern healthcare system with a viewing solution that is capable of intelligently aggregating and displaying data from across the entire healthcare enterprise, independent of a centralized repository. With eUnity, care providers can quickly access the data and images they need, improving their efficiency and diagnostic confidence. These effects can trickle down to patients, helping reduce their anxiety and frustration and resulting in better outcomes.

Solving the Integration Problem

The eUnity enterprise viewer provides the capability to integrate to disparate departmental systems and intelligently aggregate relevant patient records from all of them, creating a more holistic view of a patient’s medical history. This directly impacts clinicians and patients in three main ways:

    1. It can improve clinicans’ efficiency in making decisions;
    2. It can reduce time to patient diagnosis and treatment;
    3. It can provide a greater degree of diagnostic confidence.

Why Healthcare Professionals and IT Administrators Choose eUnity

An enterprise viewer with the ability to intelligently aggregate patient records and medical images from different departmental systems and geographic locations provides tremendous value and allows healthcare organizations to leapfrog the work involved with consolidating usable data into a single repository – meaning you can get a more comprehensive view of a patient’s imaging history now.

An enterprise viewer like eUnity can provide the ability to integrate with and display images from the data silos across the enterprise without the need to first migrate and consolidate the data. To the end user, this “virtual aggregation” can provide seamless, nearly instantaneous access to all relevant prior images – thus giving physicians the information they need to make the best, most well-informed treatment and care decisions for their patients and maximizing their outcomes.

Radiologist doing primary interpretation on medical imaging studies.

eUnity Key Features:

Zero-Footprint HTML5 viewer at 100% diagnostic quality

eUnity is a vendor neutral zero-footprint universal viewer, capable of being launched through any modern, HTML5-enabled web browser. It does not require dedicated hardware. It is also 100% diagnostic quality, 100% of the time, even for enterprise and clinical use – this means that your entire healthcare network can use eUnity as their one, single viewer for all users, and can be infinitely scaled up or down in total number of users and in features available through privilege-controlled access – granting it the flexibility to serve the present and future needs of dynamic healthcare organizations.

Full integration with all front-end clinical systems

Mach7’s open API provides users with a rich viewing experience – creating an integrated viewing platform that makes the best use of a patient’s imaging data.

Access from anywhere and from most devices with HTML5 browsers

Patient care and services are increasingly administered in places other than a dedicated workplace (remote work). Care decisions happen beside the patient, and the care experience is more personalized and less structured than it used to be. eUnity gives you the freedom to access patient data from anywhere, anytime and from any device.

Research and AI Test Platform

Mach7 has adopted new communication standards (DICOM SR Measurement Findings) and encourages AI vendors to adopt the same standards. This enables the use of a richer content type that can drive more benefit from AI algorithms (more than a simple screen capture or overlay) and thus provide users with enhanced workflows. eUnity is built for the future and supports widespread adoption of AI and advanced clinical applications. AI algorithms and application can be integrated seamlessly into the eUnity viewer thereby supporting and augmenting your existing clinical workflows without interrupting productivity or creating additional complexity.

Image Enablement for Downtime PACS

The flexibility of eUnity is such that it can be “promoted” from its primary role (acting as the enterprise viewer) to acting as a downtime PACS in case the main PACS goes offline, either scheduled or unscheduled. With relatively little effort, eUnity can be repurposed into being the main radiology diagnostic system until the “main” PACS can be returned to service. With eUnity, you do not need to invest in a separate downtime system, you’ve got one already.

The eUnity Enterprise Diagnostic Viewer is built on the premise of delivering a universal viewer for all clinicians with role-based tools for referential viewing or primary reading.

A Future proof platform that gives healthcare professionals the ability to acquire, access and view all images within a patient’s imaging record in one unified visualization experience.

Intuitive, easily deployed, and reduces administrative overhead, thus allowing you to manage costs and gain immediate ROI.

A vendor neutral, intuitive design with flexibility that allows you to integrate to all your modalities and imaging systems.

Gives you the power to enact your custom workflows that are most important to your clinicians, thereby gaining efficiencies, improving productivity and enhancing patient care.

Access all relevant imaging data from across the enterprise – supporting better care decisions and improved patient outcomes.

eUnity Enterprise Viewer Product Video

Our experts are ready to show you how Mach7 can help you create a true enterprise imaging experience that supports your health initiatives.