CIO Review Recognizes Mach7 in 2021 List of Most
Promising Workflow Solution Providers
Enabling Customer Independence
Through Innovation
CIO Review has named Mach7 to their list of 20 Most Promising Workflow Solution Providers for 2021. CIO Review is a leading technology magazine that provides information about solutions and services from many different sectors, including data security, banking, healthcare IT, and more. In addition to highlighting new technology trends, CIO Review features insights and opinions of technology leaders that are changing the paradigms in the business arena.
To view Mach7’s profile on the CIO Review website, click here. You can also view and download a PDF of the article by clicking the blue button below.
Groundbreaking Flexibility
“We provide an aggregated view of clinicians’ data, which is archived across multiple locations, to drive better patient outcomes. We are so flexible with our customers that we can carry out custom integrations using their own toolsets to give them the workflow they desire. In addition, we want to ensure customer independence to help them attain their desired results.”